Sunday, March 4, 2012

Portrait in class

I went to my first drawing class this past Saturday. We were supposed to draw a nude model but she didn't show up so we did a portrait instead. We had 3 hours. The teacher helped correct my drawing which had the face too compressed so this is a "doctored" drawing. But it was a great learning experience.


Gay said...

Hey Elizabeth - I was just thinking it had been so long since any of us had posted on the blog and when I checked it there you were! And it's interesting - Jane and I just met 2 days ago and wrote up our 2012 goals. Part of that was to focus on our drawing skills and force ourselves to go to the life drawing class again. I'll send you our drawing challenge email. Jane is excited (nervous) about the spring workshop!

Jane Seavers said...

I'm so proud of your work and posting. Gay and I are determined to get going with our drawing practice. There is a drawing group meeting on Sunday that I intend to attend. I'll take a photo and post!