Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dusk in San Juan

This landscape is from the same village of San Juan.  The dirt path leads down to our friend's house.  I love the view but what I found most difficult was rendering the stone wall on the right. Especially with the time constraint.  I wanted to keep it loose but it had to read as a wall.
 - Elizabeth

1 comment:

rericson said...

I stumbled on this blog and found it quite wonderful....
Anyway, I am no art critic or even an artist...just a casual observer...but I do have a world full of artists, both family and friends...
I wanted to comment about this painting, but I wanted you to know my eye is both untrained and naive, first...
Whatever the 'thing' in the water is, seems odd...and it drew my may be exactly the way it is portrayed, in real life...however, the size, color, and lack of definition take away from really enjoying and 'getting into' the scene jolts my sensibilities, and on closer examnation, it isn't anything of particular interest or signifigance...
I say this because I really like the simplicity of the painting....and your comment about the wall...i read that after I had looked at the painting and was surprised by it...when I first looked, one of my first thoughts was how you really captured the 'look' of an old stone wall....we have one surrounding part of a pond and patio in our yard, much like the one you show...and it is captured so well...
Anyway, just my two cents...and thank you for a delightful site!